I thought the Monnet analysis spot on in spirit and vision. Skeptical realism yes; defeat him now. Deterrent can defend Europe, nuclear deterrence can defend Ukraine. Within the EU, a coalition of the willing may be necessary. We must demonstrate that we will stand firm about our security. Our pensioners are not gonna let their grandchil…
I thought the Monnet analysis spot on in spirit and vision. Skeptical realism yes; defeat him now. Deterrent can defend Europe, nuclear deterrence can defend Ukraine. Within the EU, a coalition of the willing may be necessary. We must demonstrate that we will stand firm about our security. Our pensioners are not gonna let their grandchildren die or live under the Russian rule for an extra hour in the garden. There is a tough Europe, be beneath all of this chat. We did not invent the modern world for nothing but we must have a peace that endures, and this piece must be of our making. Moscow and Washington are going to have to learn to live with us just as we have lived so long with them. Too long.
I thought the Monnet analysis spot on in spirit and vision. Skeptical realism yes; defeat him now. Deterrent can defend Europe, nuclear deterrence can defend Ukraine. Within the EU, a coalition of the willing may be necessary. We must demonstrate that we will stand firm about our security. Our pensioners are not gonna let their grandchildren die or live under the Russian rule for an extra hour in the garden. There is a tough Europe, be beneath all of this chat. We did not invent the modern world for nothing but we must have a peace that endures, and this piece must be of our making. Moscow and Washington are going to have to learn to live with us just as we have lived so long with them. Too long.
absolutely disengaged from reality 🤣